About the lost legal claims of Ms. Northcutt
1. Her ordeal and sufferings, if she had any, were originated from the car accident which Mr. Hwang had on October 5, 2019.
2. If Ms. Northcutt didn’t file any lawsuit about her legitimate claims, it must have been a very big mistake.
3. The white-collar criminals already knew that.
4. That’s why her ordeal and suffering, if she had any, should not have been related from the car accident.
5. That’s why they filed the divorce lawsuit while they didn’t let Mr. Hwang know the filing and existence of the divorce lawsuit in 2020.
6. And that’s why those criminals made the forgery of the signature of Mr. Hwang.
7. The forgery of the signature in the divorce lawsuit was not only the litigation fraud, but also a felony.
8. Since the car accident, the criminals continued to commit crimes.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: January 6, 2023