
I’m going to organize the list of the crimes which I experienced since the car accident.

These are some of them. These are criminal issues, not civil ones.

In terms of civil issues, there were/will be civil complaints.

This information will be updated.

– Tempering with the record (Suspect: someone within Memphis Fire Department)

– Drugging (Suspects: Ms. Walker and her accomplices)

– Shootings (Death Threats) (Suspects: John Do(es), Jane Do(es), or their accomplices

– False Report (Suspect: Ms. Greear)

– Nonsupport (“Spouse Dumping”) (Suspect: Ms. Northcutt)

– Tempering with the record (Suspect: someone within Memphis Police Department)

– Forgery (Suspects: Attorney Bernard, Ms. Northcutt, or their accomplices)

These are potential crimes. They are not proved yet.

– (potential)Bribery (Suspects: Local law enforcement agents, police chiefs)

– (potential) Bribery (Suspects: Judges)