Who are “They”?

Who are “They”?

Some of them are already known to Mr. Hwang.

But some of them are still unknown to him.

Why aren’t they unknown?

Because they are behind the curtains.

They are those who devise schemes behind the curtains.

Ms. Northcutt really didn’t understand this at the beginning of the situations.

But if she has a brain to think, she can begin to be able to understand what Mr. Hwang said to her over the phone about “they” especially right after he experienced the crime of the drugging at the office of the counselor in West Memphis, Arknasas on or about February in 2020, and the crime of shootings in Memphis, Tennessee on or about February in 2020.

Ms. Northcutt mentioned, “Who are they?” at the time.

She couldn’t and didn’t understand what Mr. Hwang said because she didn’t know what exactly happened.

This writing is Mr. Hwang’s answer about it again.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: March 21, 2023

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Let him finish what he started!

Published: August 7, 2022