The narco-lawyers behind Mexico’s drug cartels vs. the injury-lawyers behind American injury cartels

<Link> [Documentary] The narco-lawyers behind Mexico’s drug cartels

1. Mr. Hwang just watched this documentary.

2. Mr. .Hwang just found this documentary, and ended up watching it to the end.

3. Mr. Hwang thinks this is a great documentary.

4. Mr. Hwang thinks this is a great documentary because it shows such narco-lawyers behind drug cartels.

5. Mr. Hwang thinks that the word, “narco-lawyers” can be replaced by “injury-lawyers.”

6. Mr. Hwang thinks that the word, “Mexico’s drug cartels” can be replaced by “American injury cartels.”

7. This documentary, and especially the last part of the end of this documentary was exactly what Mr. Hwang experienced and concluded in terms of such “American injury cartels.”

8. If you or one of your loved ones shall have such a car accident which Mr. Hwang had on October 5, 2019, and if you or one of your loved ones get seriously injured,

Then you’re gonna understand what Mr. Hwang just said.

9. However, Mr. Hwang hope such accident and tragedy does not happen to you or to one of your loved ones.

10. But unfortunely, and statistically speaking, such accident is or may be inevitable to some of the general public.

11. Then, a/the “Hell Gate” will be opened to you or to them in their lives as it was to Mr. Hwang.

12. This documentary exactly showed what Mr. Hwang experienced in terms of the injury cartels in the U.S. which are composed of insurance companies & insurance agents, hospitals, doctors, medical providers, law firms, lawyers, paralegals, police & police officers, deputies, investigators, towing companies, government officials, courts, judges, staffs in the courts, politicians, and media.

13. This documentary exactly showed what Mr. Hwang experienced especially in terms of the crooked lawyers, corrupt police officers, and even corrupt judges in the United States of America.

14. They are not just corrupt.

15. They were and are suspected to be “criminal.”

16. Good luck.

<Link> [Analysis] Why there are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: September 29, 2023


Case number: CT-4094-20.

If you see and read the content of the proposed Order today on September 15, 2023,

You can begin to understand how much cunning the litigants can be in the United States.

The motion was not granted, but it will be held off.

However, the opposing party wrote, in the proposed Order, that the motion was granted.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: September 15, 2023

Why wasn’t Mr. Hwang assassinated yet?

Why wasn’t Mr. Hwang assassinated or murdered yet?

That is not because such bad people or criminals are good enough to avoid murder, killing, or homicide.

That is because such criminals don’t like to be exposed to any ‘RISKS.’

That’s why.

If there are no laws in the United States, such criminals are willing to commit homicides.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: July 15, 2023