Mr. Hwang concludes today that he cannot have or achieve the lifestyle which he wants to have and enjoy if/when he contunues to stay in Memphis.
Mr. Hwang would like to go to New York in the future and stay/live in a penthouse in Manhattan, New York.
In order for Mr. Hwang to do his global media business and enjoy living there, Mr. Hwang thinks he needs at least about thirty million($30,000,000) U.S. dollars (at least for the time being until he can make more money.)
Mr. Hwang does not have that money yet.
Therefore, Mr. Hwang wants to have cooperation with/from the Memphians for that.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 17, 2024, Tuesday, at 4:25AM.
Category: Opinion
Mr. Hwang wants and needs to go to FBI and TBI this year in 2024.
Therefore, if you see and meet Mr. Hwang around Memphis, donate him, please.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 11, 2024, Thursday, at 10:06PM.
MPD is a CURSED law enforcement.
(MPD = Memphis Police Department)
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 9, 2024, Tuesday, at 5:40PM.
Mr. John Bodford
The name of the doctor was Mr. John Bodford.
This doctor was the doctor whom Mr. Hwang met when Mr. Hwang was sent to the hospital, Saint Francis Hospital on October 5, 2019 when Mr. Hwang became the victim of the car accident.
Mr. Bodford is one of the most dangerous doctors in the United States.
Not only in Memphis and Shelby County, but also in the United States.
If Mr. Hwang had not met Mr. Bodford, Mr. Hwang’s life must not have been destroyed.
The issues were and are originated from “medical malpractice”, and “patient dumping.”
Shame on you, Mr. Bodford.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 8, 2024, Monday, at 5:03AM.
The Realities of Memphis
These are the realities of Memphis and Shelby County, TN.
Violent criminals commit violent crime.
Lawyers commit crime.
(Or it is suspected that lawyers commit crime.)
Police commit crime.
(Or it is suspected that police commit crime.)
Judges commit crime.
(Or it is suspected that judges commit crime.)
Those are the realities of Memphis.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 8, 2024, Monday, at 4:41AM.
It will take 30 or 40 years
It will take 30(thirty) or 40(forty) years.
Mr. Hwang did not say that it CAN or MAY take 30 or 40 years.
Mr. Hwang just said that it WILL take 30 or 40 years.
What does that mean?
It will take more than 30 or 40 years for Mr. Hwang to collect all of the information and try to take retalitory justice against them, criminals, or/and suspects.
Mr. Hwang does not say it is about revenge.
Mr. Hwang says that it’s about retalitory justice.
Retalitory justice has its own philosophical background, base, foundation, or logical ground.
One of the examples can be this.
Imperial Japan attacked Pearl Habor in the past.
And the United States fought and won the Midway battle.
The Midway battle can be retalitory justice.
Someone may think this.
Mr. Hwang accident happened on October 5, 2019.
But why does Mr. Hwang continue to talk about it until this year which is 2024.
This is Mr. Hwang’s answer to such question.
It is only 2024 this year.
And Mr. Hwang could not do anything.
Mr. Hwang could not take any retalitory action until now 2024 since 2019.
Because of his circumstances.
Our lives are short and they are only one-time lives.
And the tragedy of Mr. Hwang cases is this.
Mr. Hwang has to spend the rest of his life thinking of such retalitory justice all the time.
That is the real tragedy of this case.
Mr. Hwang really hopes that this kind of tragic accident and its related cases do not happen to you and to the general public.
But it will happen at least to some of you or some of the general public.
That’s the tragedy of our lives.
And that is the tragedy of Mr. Hwang’s remaining life.
Mr. Hwang did not choose the tragedy.
The tragedy came to Mr. Hwang and his life when he had the accident on October 5, 2019.
It was not Mr. Hwang’s choice. But Mr. Hwang has to endure the consequences.
It is really sad and tragic.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 8, 2024, Monday, at 12:28AM.
Crime by courts
There were, are, and will be a lot of judgments and orders by courts.
However, Mr. Hwang thinks and concluded that a lot of such judgments and orders are the results of crime.
They are the results of the white-collar crimes.
Such legal decisions are camouflaged or disguised using legal terminologies, theories, and artificial justifications.
However, they are just the results of crime.
If you know the facts or factual allegations, the governing laws, and the background information of such specific cases, then you can understand why they are the results of the white-collar crimes.
But absolute majority of the general public does not know them.
That’s one of the reasons why they or such criminals continue to commit such cunning crimes.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 8, 2024, Monday, at 12:04AM.
The Collapse of Moral Integrity
Judge Wagner was appointed and confirmed as the judge for the Tennessee Supreme Court.
The fact means the collapse of moral integrity in the political system and judicial system in Tennessee.
Wake up, the Tennesseans.
The Tennesseans are sleeping.
They don’t know what’s going on in their State where they are living in.
Wake up, the Tennesseans.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 7, 2024, Sunday, at 3:36PM.
Judge Wagner
[Editorial] About Wagner Being Confirmed As Tennessee Supreme Court Justice (link)
This is the editorial which Mr. Hwang wrote about the confirmation of judge Wagner as the supreme court judge in Tennessee.
Mr. Hwang thinks governor Bill Lee is either stupid or corrupt.
He is either stupid or corrupt.
He is stupid enough to appoint Wagner.
Or he is corrupt enough to appoint Wagner.
General Assembly in Tennessee is like that, too.
Mr. Hwang had a direct experience with judge Wagner.
Wagner was a judge who presided over one of Mr. Hwang’s cases.
Mr. Hwang had a conversation with the judge for/during a court hearing.
Wagner was and is problematic.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 7, 2024, Sunday, at 1:11PM.
When Mr. Hwang looks back on/retrospect/recollect past events, such horrible events were really heinous.
It was continuous crime and attempted crime.
Not only criminals and suspects but also police and court were and are suspects.
It was organized crime and/or connected injury industry cartel.
They are really heinous criminals.
They are really not humans.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: April 7, 2024, Sunday, at 12:30PM.