Mr. Hwang checked his P.O.Box today on September 19, 2024.
He found five(5) letters in it.
One letter was from a TN circuit court.
One letter was from a TN court of appeals.
Two letters were from his bank.
One letter was from DMV.
By the way, one letter was very interesting.
It can be used as an evidence for something.
It is about the date on the envelope of a letter from a court.
Mr. Hwang will write more about that in the future.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: September 19, 2024, Thursday, at 11:21 PM.
Category: Feature
About governor Bill Lee
Mr. Hwang feels angry about governor Bill Lee today.
Governor Lee has been pretending that everything is good in Tennessee.
However, Mr. Lee showed his great stupidity in terms of his governance in the State of Tennessee.
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Published: July 5, 2024, Friday, at 8:31PM (07/05/2024).
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In terms of those aspects, there are allegations/possibilities that not only those criminals but also the courts involved were extremely cunning, too.
There were always crimes, deceptions, and cunningness in terms of the cases.
The level of their cunningness jumps over your imagination.
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Corrupt Judges in Memphis, Shelby County, and Tennessee
There are very serious issues in Memphis, Shelby County, and Tennessee in terms of judicial crimes, misconducts, and corruptions.
Mr. Hwang thinks that those issues cannot be resolved without sending those (allegedly) corrupt judges into prison.
They should be put in prision.
You or/and the general public may not be able to imagine how much they are corrupt.
But Mr. Hwang knows that according to and on the basis of his own experience and navigation about/in terms of the judicial system and its process in Memphis, Shelby County, and Tennessee.
They suck.
And they stink.
Written by Mr. Hwang
Published: May 22, 2024, Wednesday, at 4:53AM.