Mr. Hwang found a letter from the court on Oct. 11, 2024

Mr. Hwang visited his P.O.Box today on October 11, 2024, Friday.

The letter was from Tennessee Court of Appeal at Jackson.

It was about “Notice: Brief – Appellee’s Brief Filed”.

The date of the stamps on the letter was September 26 and September 27, 2024.

However, Mr. Hwang found that letter today on October 11, 2024, Friday.

This is the reason why Mr. Hwang believes such suspects are extremely CUNNING.

It seems that the circumstances were related to the expiration of deadline whithin which Appellant has to file his/her Reply Brief.

It is extremely suspected that there is someone or there are some people within the post office and/or the court or court clerk office who cooperate with such litigation crime or interference.

There are really cunning.

Mr. Hwang can try to write more later or in the future about such circumstances.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: October 11, 2024, Friday, 4:45PM.

The confirmation of the receipt of the notice

Mr. Hwang just contacted, on Oct. 11, 2024, Friday, at 10:24AM, Ms. Dempsey in the Appellate Court Clerk’s Office promptly and confirmed the receipt of the notice. 

Mr. Hwang sent a confirmation email at 10:31AM, too.

Over the phone, the voice of Ms. Dempsey was SHAKY(shaky).

(Mr. Hwang’s subjective speculation is that those persons at the courts or court clerk’s offices know what have been happening in the courts in Tennessee. That’s why her voice was shaky.)

Writtenby Mr. Hwang

Published: October 11, 2024, Friday, at 10:37AM.