Mr. Hwang’s next choices for his survival

This building and place is called as “Press Center” in South Korea.

There are professional facilities on the floor of 19th floor and 20th one.

Mr. Hwang is one of the people who visited, the most, the Press Center buiding and participated in the political and social events among his generation.

That means that he is quite familiar with press conferences and media interviews procedure.

This is called as “National Press Club” in the United States.

According to the current circumstances, Mr. Hwang has to change his vehicle gear in order not to go to jail or prision.

Why should the victim of a serious car accident go to jail?

That is really an unacceptable situation to the victim of the car accident who had a serious brain injury from/because of that, and who still suffers from the consequences from that.

The alleged bad people or criminals are really not humans.

They are beasts.

They are really human beasts which wear human “masks”.

Mr. Hwang has no choice but to survive with a bitter struggle and fury.

At some point, Mr. Hwang has to perform media acitivities and press conferences including, but not limited to operating his own YouTube channel.

And he has to begin and perform fundraising activities to survive in the United States and fight against such human beasts.

The audiences of this website, is not only the jury, but also can be the supporters for Mr. Hwang’s fighting which should be performed in the future.

Your participating needs to be had by Mr. Hwang than ever.

It was really the last thing to hold press conferences in terms of such situations.

However, Mr. Hwang has no choice, right now, but to do that.

You can begin to understand the weight of the situation to Mr. Hwang, his life, and his situations.

He really has no choice but to fight against such beasts.

They are not humans.

And Mr. Hwang has to fight and survive.


Good luck, Mr. Hwang.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: June 22, 2023

[Related Content] [Editorial] The Deplorable Malfunction of the Justice System in Shelby County and the City of Memphis

[Related Content] [Report] About the Legal Coersion toward Mr. Hwang

[Related Content] [Report] Mr. Hwang filed the criminal complaints on June 19, 2023

[Related Content] [White-collar Crime] How white-collar criminals differ from other criminals

About the Legal Coersion toward Mr. Hwang

This report is about the ongoing LEGAL COERSION toward Mr. Hwang.

<The Facts>

Mr. Hwang filed the criminal complaint against Judge Rhynette Hurd(link 1, link 2), against other lawyers(Wade H. Scofield II, Jeffrey E. Nicoson), and/or against other known and/or unknown suspects on June 19, 2023.

Mr. Hwang has no criminal records in his life, but he was sent and put in jail in Shelby County, Tennessee on June 20, 2023.

It was the first time during his entire life.

Mr. Hwang was released on June 21, 2023.

Mr. Hwang wrote this editorial on June 22, 2023.

[Link] [Editorial] The Deplorable Malfunction of the Justice System in Shelby County and the City of Memphis

[Link] [Report] Mr. Hwang filed the criminal complaints on June 19, 2023.

It was an interesting experience in many ways.

Mr. Hwang ended up realizing how corrupt the justice system is here in Shelby County and the City of Memphis.

Mr. Hwang is writing this report for the record.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: June 22, 2023


. [Important News Article]
General Sessions Judge Anderson Reprimanded by Conduct Board (link)

. The name of the judge at Division VII is Bill Anderson, Jr (link).

. Bill Anderson Jr. (Tennessee) (link)

. The next court day for Mr. Hwang’s case is July 21, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at General Sessions Criminal Court Divison 7(Shelby County General Sessions Court(link)).

. The name of the investigator in the case was Mr. Sgt. D. Campbell at the Memphis Police Department – Mt. Moriah Station.

.Memphis Police Department – Mt. Moriah Station(link)
Address: 2602 Mt Moriah Rd, Memphis, TN 38115
Telephone: (901) 636-4199

. The name of Memphis Police Chief is Ms. Cerelyn “CJ” Davis(link).

. The name of Mayor of the City of Memphis is Mr. Jim Strickland(link).

. The name of Mayor of Shelby County is Mr. Lee Harris(link).

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation(TBI) Memphis Field Office (link)

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) (link)

Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) – Memphis (link)

Electronic Tip Form | FBI (link)

FBI Investigation (link)

FBI (link)


. Municipal elections in Shelby County, Tennessee (2022) (link).

. Criminal Court Judges (link).

. Judge Bill Anderson: Tennessee Recovery Court Profiles (link)

. Re: Principles for Judicial Administrative Order to Remedy Constitutional Deficiencies, for Discussion (pdf) (link)

. Memphis Flyber: The Parties Judge the Judges (link)

. [Tennessee Bar Association] Board Reprimands Judge Anderson (link)


. Lamar County Judge suspended for judicial misconduct (link)

. Watchdog recommends suspension for Lamar Co. judge (link)

. Community leaders speak out on monitoring the wheels of justice in Shelby County (link)

. Forrest, Lamar county officials sworn in to new term (link)

Mr. Hwang filed the criminal complaints on June 19, 2023

Mr. Hwang filed the criminal complaints on June 19. 2023.

He filed five(5) criminal complaints.

He filed one(1) police crime.

He filed four(4) police misconducts.

Therefore, he filed ten(10) things, or documents to the police.

He filed those at the Memphis Police Department.

One of the accused person was Judge Hurd.

Other accused people were other lawyers, indivisuals, small fish, or/and unknown suspects.

Let’s see what’s gonna happen.

Coming soon.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: June 19, 2023