[Hwang] Inquiry of Information

Dear Mr. Scofield, Mr. Nicoson, or/and counsel(s),

1. I filed the Inquiry of Information on April 3, 2023.

2. I give you this notice about that.

3. The file is attached to this email, too.




(The email was sent to five(5) people.
two people of the court, two people of the law firm.)

(The file was attached to the email.
The attached file was “Inquiry of Information”.)

[Hwang] Motion to Reconsider/Set Aside, Vacate

Dear Mr. Scofield, Mr. Nicoson, or/and counsel(s),

1. I filed the Motion to reconsider the order on April 3, 2023.

 2. I filed the Motion to set aside or/and vacate the order on April 3, 2023.  

3. Those files are attached to this email, too.




(to 5 people in total)
(3 people to the law firm)
(2 people to the court)

(The the emails were sent to five(5) people twice.)

(Attached files: two(2) files were attached to this email.
1. Motion to reconsider the order
2. Motion to set aside or/and vacate the order)

Written by Hwang

Published: April 3, 2023

The nature, characteristics, and patterns of their behaviours

When Mr. Hwang looks back the past 3 and half an year since the car accident on October 5, 2019, he thinks about the nature, characteristics, and patterns of their behaviours.

What does Mr. Hwang mean in terms of “they”?

Mr. Hwang means they are criminals, especially white-collar criminals.

When Mr. Hwang looks back the past 3 and half an year, the nature, characters, and patterns of “their” behaviours were extremely CUNNING, DECEPTIVE, ATROCIOUS, COLD-BLOODED, and/or brazenly CRIMINAL.

They continued and continue to lie, deceive, mislead, manipulate, or/and commit additional crime without any hesitation.

Mr. Hwang already concluded and concludes again that “they” are NOT humans.

They are beasts.

They are cunning and brutal beasts which wear human faces or masks.

But they are not humans. They are beasts.

They are human beasts.

They are really horrible.

Written by Hwang

Published: April 3, 2023