What Mr. Hwang found in his P.O.Box on April 5, 2023

These are what he found in his P.O.Box on April 5, 2023.

He visited a post office in the evening on April 5, 2023.

It was raining a little bit in the evening at that day. And he didn’t like that.

Anyway, he opened his P.O.Box, and found four(4) letters.

Two letter were from his bank which he didn’t and doesn’t like.

The third letter was from Mr. Whittenmore(the opposing attorney).

It was about Notice of Service of Offer of Judgment.

The fourth letter was from the court.

It was from Clerk of the Circuit Court(Thirtieth Judicial District at Memphis).

The document was Order Denying Plaintiff’s Second Motion for Recusal.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: April 6, 2023