About the crime of the counselor and and her accomplices

The counselor really should not have done what she did to Mr. Hwang.

The crime of drugging was really lamentable because the counsleor and her accomplices did such horrible crime to the seriously injured victim of the car accidnent, other circumstances, and other crimes.

Those criminals commited their crimes to the one of the most vulerable indivisuals who was in need of help.

But they commited additional crimes in order to hide their previous crimes.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: December 30, 2022

If Mr. Arita had not hit Mr. Hwang’s car…

If Mr. Arita had not hit Mr. Hwang’s car on October 5 in 2019, Mr. Hwang really didn’t have to experience what he did.

Mr. Hwang really didn’t have to experience the heinous and cunning aspects of those criminals if Mr. Arita had not hit Mr. Hwang’s car.

Then, Mr. Hwang didn’t have to have clash against the INTERESTS of those criminals.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: December 30, 2022