Mr. Hwang began to think of moving…

Recently Mr. Hwang began to think of moving.

He would like to move to another city in the U.S. eventually.

Because he doesn’t want to live near those criminals, during the rest of his life, who committed felonies toward him.

But he can’t move right now. And he doesn’t want to move right away, either.

But it is a matter of time that he is going to move to another city in the U.S.

It may take about 2 years or up to several years until he can do that because he still has more than several indivisual, social, and legal issues here which he needs to deal with and finalize.

He is interested in getting to know and researching those cities or areas such as New York, NY, Washington DC, Miami, FL, Los Angeles, CA, Seattle, WA, Houston, TX, or some places around midwest.

He would like to live near Oceans. He doesn’t want to live inland or near mountains anymore.

So he would like to go to eastern coast, western coast, or southern coast.

The first place that he began to research about was Manhattan in New York.

He came from Cheongdam-dong in Seoul in South Korea before he came here about 4 years ago.

If you click the link of Cheongdam-dong, you can notice what it means. And you can understand a little bit more about him in terms of his background of the cultural and intellectual sophistication.

Written by Mr. Hwang

Published: September 10, 2022